Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day 1

With one month done in 2011 I am a little behind in the plans and expectations I have. Somehow I am stuck in neutral and not driving towards that things I am most needing. I am sure that I am not alone but who has the nerve to say they are lazy and have not done anything so far. I am behind in school, working a dead end job and wondering what is the purpose that has me in this world. Then it hit me one day. What am I doing my life is not going to change unless I change it. So, you want to find a better job, want to finish school, what to loose weight, want a new place to live and so on and so on. Then the answer became easy, JUST DO THE DAMN THING. Now how many of us can put that into place. True, I have not done much but I did start this blog and I am going to finish something I started. Yes, how many people say those things and do them. That's why I am working on this. I don't want to list all the things I want to do and then don't complete them but I will say that one different thing I am doing is I will write a book with my mom on Gullah. She needs me and I need to be open to her and open to change so CHANGE YOUR LIFE number 1. Write a book.


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